Sada prikazujemo: Sveta Helena - Poštanske marke (1980 - 1989) - 198 marke.
23. Veljača WM: 7 Perforacija: 14½
![[The 100th Anniversary of Empress Eugenie's Visit, Tip HT]](
![[The 100th Anniversary of Empress Eugenie's Visit, Tip HU]](
![[The 100th Anniversary of Empress Eugenie's Visit, Tip HV]](
6. Svibanj WM: 7 Perforacija: 14½
![[International Stamp Exhibition "LONDON 1980" - London, England, Tip HW]](
![[International Stamp Exhibition "LONDON 1980" - London, England, Tip HX]](
![[International Stamp Exhibition "LONDON 1980" - London, England, Tip HY]](
18. Kolovoz WM: 7 Perforacija: 14¼
![[The 80th Anniversary of the Birth of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, 1900-2002, Tip ]](
17. Studeni WM: 7 Perforacija: 14¼
![[The 175th Anniversary of Wellington's Visit, Tip IA]](
![[The 175th Anniversary of Wellington's Visit, Tip IB]](
5. Siječanj WM: 7 Perforacija: 13½
![[Endemic Plants, Tip IC]](
![[Endemic Plants, Tip ID]](
![[Endemic Plants, Tip IE]](
![[Endemic Plants, Tip IF]](
22. Svibanj WM: 7 Perforacija: 14¼
![[Maps of the South Atlantic, Tip IG]](
![[Maps of the South Atlantic, Tip IH]](
![[Maps of the South Atlantic, Tip II]](
![[Maps of the South Atlantic, Tip IJ]](
22. Svibanj WM: 7 Perforacija: 14¼
![[Maps of the South Atlantic, Tip ]](
22. Srpanj WM: 7 Perforacija: 14 x 14¼
![[Royal Wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer, Tip IL]](
![[Royal Wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer, Tip IM]](
![[Royal Wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer, Tip IN]](
10. Rujan WM: 7 Perforacija: 14 x 14¼
![[Clams and Snails, Tip IO]](
![[Clams and Snails, Tip IP]](
![[Clams and Snails, Tip IQ]](
![[Clams and Snails, Tip IR]](
5. Studeni WM: 7 Perforacija: 14¼
![[The 25th Anniversary of Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, Tip IS]](
![[The 25th Anniversary of Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, Tip IT]](
![[The 25th Anniversary of Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, Tip IU]](
![[The 25th Anniversary of Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, Tip IV]](
4. Siječanj WM: 7 Perforacija: 14½
![[Insects, Tip IW]](
![[Insects, Tip IX]](
![[Insects, Tip IY]](
![[Insects, Tip IZ]](
![[The 100th Anniversary of the Death of Charles Darwin, 1809-1882 - The 150th Anniversary of his Research Journey with the Beagle, Tip JA]](
![[The 100th Anniversary of the Death of Charles Darwin, 1809-1882 - The 150th Anniversary of his Research Journey with the Beagle, Tip JB]](
![[The 100th Anniversary of the Death of Charles Darwin, 1809-1882 - The 150th Anniversary of his Research Journey with the Beagle, Tip JC]](
![[The 100th Anniversary of the Death of Charles Darwin, 1809-1882 - The 150th Anniversary of his Research Journey with the Beagle, Tip JD]](
1. Srpanj WM: 7 Perforacija: 14 x 14½
![[The 21st Anniversary of the Birth of Princess Diana of Wales, Tip XJE]](
![[The 21st Anniversary of the Birth of Princess Diana of Wales, Tip XJF]](
![[The 21st Anniversary of the Birth of Princess Diana of Wales, Tip JE]](
![[The 21st Anniversary of the Birth of Princess Diana of Wales, Tip JF]](
25. Listopad WM: 7 Perforacija: 14¼
![[First-time Participation in the Commonwealth Games, Tip JG]](
![[First-time Participation in the Commonwealth Games, Tip JH]](
29. Studeni WM: 7 Perforacija: 14¼
![[The 75th Anniversary of Boy Scout Movement, Tip JI]](
![[The 75th Anniversary of Boy Scout Movement, Tip JJ]](
![[The 75th Anniversary of Boy Scout Movement, Tip JK]](
![[The 75th Anniversary of Boy Scout Movement, Tip JL]](
14. Siječanj WM: 7 Perforacija: 14¼
![[Views of St. Helena, Tip JM]](
![[Views of St. Helena, Tip JN]](
![[Views of St. Helena, Tip JO]](
![[Views of St. Helena, Tip JP]](